Actually it more often hits at night, but it does indeed drag down the morning. It’s the same old thing, really. I just can’t get over the cruelty of forcing children to be born into a world that, by definition, doesn’t want them. Which means, of course, that they spend their first nine months housed in a uterus washed in stress hormones or other toxic pressures. Their lives from then on are not, by definition, predictably healthy. What can be predicted is that society will be paying the price in eighteen years or so for the damage done by the circumstances of their lives – very likely poverty. And the sad thing is, folks will blame it on the individuals instead of the system that created the problem in the first place. 

 And yes, my heart aches for the agony of women forced to suffer any number of possible agonies at the behest of politicians who have little or no understanding of the complexity and potential complications of pregnancy and birth. And for their families suffering the consequences. Beyond that, it horrifies me to see the movement toward branding women as criminals should circumstances lead them to avoid inappropriate pregnancies. 

 Is all this a variant on animal husbandry? 


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  1. Mona, It does’t help to know you’re not alone. No one can lift or erase the horror you see and feel. But, whether it’s depression, melancholy, despair, or as I think, sanity you stand in a long tradition of mourning the cruelty of deranged spirits, and IMHO they do still speak as a community of and hope and light in the mornings and the evenings. I keep hearing that unvarnished cry in the poets and the palmist(s). They give no answers, but their witness of persist existential resistance to things akin to the scenes of Palestine, Ukraine, and the collective insane asylum of what’s left of our own constitutional republic.

    I feel with you, friend. Other than writing in hope of breaking through the wall of rising collective madness, that’s the best I can do. Grace and Peace.

  2. As Gordon so eloquently stated, you are not alone. I, too, am depressed by the state of affairs in this country, from the severe curtailment in myriad ways of womens rights to the lunacy of bumpstocks being legal. I don’t understand how we got to this awful place. I truly don’t. How has American democracy become so toxic? It breaks my heart, and I fear – genuinely fear – November and what follows.

      • Thanks for understanding and agreeing. The ironic thing is that I do believe this is an important period in the process of history which will result in the purging of the evil and the blossoming of a world of realistic loving and caring for our earth and the people in it. It’s as if we are currently suffering through a historical purgatory. But I won’t be around to see it — not from the earthly perspective anyway. Who knows?…

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