I had planned to write about how I handle the morning depression I mentioned a couple of days ago, but something else is demanding my attention. Something that makes no sense to me. How is it that people believe Jesus, an olive-skinned, semitic, Palestinian Jew who preached love and equality decided that white-skinned American men with roots in Northern Europe were superior to everyone else? And to die a terrible death to guide those very same men to Heaven if they  would be violent enough to impose their rule over women, non-whites and Jews.

Just wonderin’

Posted June 17, 2024 by Mona Gustafson Affinito in Uncategorized

4 responses to “ANOTHER THING I DON’T GET

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  1. AMEN!

  2. I’m afraid Europeans took Christianity and changed it to suit their own interests. The women are just as complicit as I see and hear every day where I live. No other points of view are tolerated by them, which allows the men to enforce these views on everyone through laws and sometimes vigilantism.

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