Archive for June 29, 2024


A few days ago I promised to talk about handling my morning depression. I thought then that I was finally going to write every day in my blog. Obviously I didn’t succeed. (Remember, there’s a rule against saying “I failed.”) I’m not sure why I didn’t manage to get that done, but I have a few suggestions. Maybe I’m getting involved in too many things; maybe it’s because I’ve reached the “I need a nap NOW” age; maybe I’m engaging in that form of putting-things-off-until-tomorrow called “productive procrastination;” maybe I’m too involved in trying to write a good query letter to find an agent/publisher who’ll be interested in my manuscript On My Way Out: A Psychologist’s Personal Tale; maybe it’s because I do stupid things like watch the presidential debates.

But enough about me. Oh yeah, that’s supposed to be my theme for this blog. What do I do about the morning depression? Well, first off, two years of excellent therapy several decades ago gave me the awareness that the morning depression I experience is best called “situational depression.” And I’ve learned that there isn’t much I can control about the situation in this crazy world, so it helps to point my neurosis toward things I can do something about. That certainly shrinks the area of concern. Then I focus my attention and emotions on the tasks ahead. Obviously that gets me to focus on the present and the nice awareness that I am, indeed, on my way out. Also, the recognition that, as my daughter puts it, “My personal problems are first-world problems” and therefore, by definition, really blessings. How’s that for thought manipulation? By that time I’m ready for the biggy – opening up the well of gratitude, joy, humor, and love that flows because of all that other stuff I’ve mentioned. How could I feel anything else? So I open my door to join the interesting, often delightful people I’ll be connecting with. Okay, is it icky to say I focus on spreading joy and love? Well, so be it. That really is my goal. You’ll have to question the people around me to evaluate my success.