What’s bothering me to the point of insomnia is the awful cruelty to children and the lifetime of effects they are likely to suffer because of political interference in the complex process of insemination, pregnancy, and birth. I’m concerned about the generation of poor (and they will be mostly poor) babies who, by definition – indeed by law — will be force-born into a world that can’t afford them or can’t care for them for one of many possible reasons.

            If the folks behind the ban on abortion were truly concerned about the welfare of the children and the people they will develop into there’d be massive efforts to assure a healthy first nine months by way of financial, medical, and social support. How about enlisting the person who helped create the fetus in the first place. Wouldn’t it make sense for men to register their DNA like registration for the draft so they can accept their share of the responsibility?

            Once the baby is born if the forced-birth folks really cared for the little ones there would be recognition of the importance of a continued loving relationship with the parent whose body has been home during those essential developmental months. They’d be advocating like crazy to provide everything necessary for a good heginning. That would require maternal, parental, and childcare funding at every level for every person. At the same time they’d be advocating for good nourishing lives – physical, psychological, social, educational — all through childhood and beyond. There would be lifetime structural support for every individual to “be the best that they can be.” And women would continue to be counted among those who count.

            Otherwise, based on what we know about human development, those same forced birth advocates will be complaining in twenty years or so about the use of their tax money to support a generation condemned by them to the need for special services.

            I love the diapers adds showing a beautiful newborn baby gazing trustingly into the mother’s loving eyes. That’s how it should be. We can help assure that kind of love for the newly born and the rest of us to the end of life if we focus on the love, unimpeded by cold “righteousness.”

6 responses to “WHEN DOES THE LOVE OF LIFE END? 

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  1. TOUCHÉ!

    • So frustrating! It helps a little to write for one’s own satisfaction. And to know you’re reading it — ah! That also helps … Thanks

      • it’s like you read my mind. You and I are the only ones angry that no one is talking about the men who got these woman pregnant.

      • I guess it’s all very interesting if not so awfully painful. it’s the power grabbers, the ones who can feel whole only if they are superior to — controllers of — other people. While other men are out doing productive things, they are focussed on reducing others so they can feel superior. Think partly backlash against the success of the women’s movement. Unfortunately they are the very ones willing to step on others to reach the point of legislating against them — the very men who are inferior people. Fortunately we do occasionally get someone in power who has the strength to care about others needs (if only to win votes.) Yes. I am horrified by the permission to suppress and attack women with impunity. The first step toward fascism.

        Wow! Sorry. The ranter in me has been released.

  2. Why can’t these Forced Birth Advocates ( great title for these people by the way! ) understand this? You have clearly revealed the true reality of what kind of life many of these force born babies will encounter. All in the name of self serving egotistical self rightous, no better than the hypocritical pharisees in the bible. They should be forced to live the life those babies have been sentenced to.

    Great write Mona.

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