Would you buy this book?   5 comments

Based on the following description, would you read this book if some agent/publisher should get interested enough to see that it turns into a real thing?

“Is there such a thing as a “kitchen table theme memoir?” If so, then this is it — chats and vignettes around the theme of my very personal experiences as psychology and I interacted with the world. Expect a no holds barred account of seventy-two years as a professor, therapist, wife, divorcee, parent, colleague, author, human being in a very complicated world. And be as surprised as I am with the way it all came together up to this point as I approach the tail end of life – a life still vigorously and demandingly keeping me awake at night.” 

I’d like to call it On My Way Out: My Life with Psi, but maybe it should be On My Way Out: From Variables to Vibes.

(This is a first stab. All suggestions are appreciated.)

5 responses to “Would you buy this book?

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  1. I would buy the book, but not based on your description. The first sentence is confusing as is the reference to Psi near the end. For a math and science person like me Psi means pounds per square inch

  2. yes would love to buy and read this book Mona, and I prefer the 1st title- Linda

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