Hi all!

I don’t have any great wisdom to impart, or challenges to offer, or prizes to give. I just want to check in so you won’t forget me out there in the blogosphere. 

The heading? Well, as I said recently, I’m focusing this month on finding ways to get Mrs. Job published and marketed. I’m checking out self-publishing — again (now that my contract with iUniverse is broken) — and the possibilities of aid with marketing if I choose that route. Obviously I haven’t been very successful on my own.

I’ve also submitted a query letter to an agent who looks right for the book and I’ve paid money toWriter’s Digest for an evaluation of that letter. It will be weeks before I hear their opinion. I’ve sent the manuscript to Beaver’s Pond Press for an estimate of cost for publishing with them. I’ve consulted a marketer who is looking into her contacts to see if there might be someone who specializes in working with authors. And I’m considering “Create Space.”

In consultation with my MFA sister, I’ve decided on the new working title: Pomegranates and Special Cheeses.  Perhaps with a colon addition: A Biblical Love Story. If you’ve read Mrs. Job you may recognize this as a description of their young love, mentioned a few times in the text.

It goes without saying that the book needs a different cover — more appealing if one should see it sitting on a bookstore shelf.

In the meantime, it’s taking a lot of time to learn the music (to be done a cappella) for the nun’s chorus in “The Sound of Music.” Mark Abelsen, the director, is, I’m happy to say, a stickler for perfection. Scary, but should produce a really great result. As for Sister Margaretta, I think I’ve got her part down, except when I panic on stage.

And then there’s winter in Minnesota, though I’m happy to say we seem to be past the extreme deep freeze that had my fingers numb in no time when I went outside. 

The part that bugs me most, perhaps, is that I can’t get to “My Father’s House.” I’ve thought about it, and I think the word really is “can’t.” I just can’t postpone the work on “The Sound of Music,” and I’ve committed myself to working this month on Mrs. Job — oops! Pomegranates and Special Cheeses.

I would be very happy to receive comments — on the potential title, or possible marketers, or to share cold weather stories, or anything else I’ve said here — or just to let me know you’re still willing to bother with me in spite of my frequent absences.

I have received e-mail responses to my latest blog, encouraging me to keep pushing for Mrs. Job’s publication, making really nice comments about the book. Such things are good to hear.


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  1. Hey Mona,
    I haven’t had read your whole post yet but wanted to ask if you’ve looked at Balboa Press for your self-publishing. They are affiliated with Hay House publishing.

  2. Hi Mona,

    I miss you and all the DCW ladies. Say hello to everyone Monday

    Re weather. We are having unseasonable weather!! It has been in the mid 80s every day since we arrived in PS last Sunday. It should only be a high of 70!! But we love it.

    Re your new title. I thought I should comment because Mrs Job Is one of my all time favorite books and I want more people to have the opportunity to read it. I think your new title sounds too much like a cookbook. That fact could lead to the same kind of confusion Mrs Job caused. Sorry !!



  3. Mona, Two things I wanted to mention: http://www.kickstarter.com is a publishing group. Check it out(not sure if I mentioned this to you before) and the other is Sue Monk Kidd has a book “Traveling with Pomegranates: a mother-daughter story”. One of her memoirs. Just FYI. See you Monday. Love, Dottie

  4. I have a friend who has done the editing on my book. It is on Create Space. For over two months she has had great issues on figuring how to do the numbering of pages. She has chatted with C.S. and so far has had no luck. The book is about to be published but this hang up. Do you or do you know anyone that could help her?

    • I wish I had a positive answer. I guess I’m naive. It never occurred to me one would have a problem with page numbers. I did, however, have a battle with Author House doing my “Forgiving One Page at a Time” which is set up with text on the left hand page and a place on the right hand page for people to right their own comments and issues, so they couldn’t just keep going letting pages develop as they would in ordinary writing.

      Maybe we’ll be lucky and someone with a better answer might read this.

  5. Hi Terry, I selfpubed there too, and the pages were numbered by themselves I think:) I did use a formatter though: you can mail me for his email if you will.
    Mona, my first reaction to the title was “Oh she is writing a cookbook how nice” – and then the subtitle corrected me.

    I love that you are playing a nun. Sure you are going to do a great role with lots of character. And i am sure Mrs Job can benefit for a creative pause – as the book about your Father too. I find that such pauses are really good!

    I have a publisher to suggest, though:



  6. I agree with the others that you should keep working on getting Mrs. Job published. I don’t know much about publishing, but it sounds like you’re taking a lot good and appropriate steps that will move the book forwards.

  7. You’re always with me no matter what.


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