WHERE DO I BEGIN?   10 comments

I want to get back into blogging, but having been away so long, I don’t know what to pull out of the “to do” pile first. Part of the problem is my limited energy. I guess it will take me a good year to completely recover from the event of April 15, and by that time I’ll be a year older, so it will come out even.

Maybe you can help me sort things out. I know taking care of recovery comes first, and that seems to require a rather lengthy nap every afternoon, no matter how well I sleep at night. And that limits the times when I can see clients, or drive without fear of falling asleep again, and certainly interferes with writing time, especially since sitting at my computer tends to hurt my back. (So now I join the rather large crowd of people who manage daily to keep productive with some pain.) It requires more planning – or maybe less planning, for activities during my day. What I mean is, I can’t set up the kind of “keep on going all day” schedules that used to make it possible to get so much done.

So, here are my choices that need prioritizing.

1. I need to look up the details on “Silver Sneakers” to increase my exercise beyond the workout I was taught to do every morning at home, plus a quick walk around the circle each day. Before the “event,” I used to do that in 11 minutes. (Yes, I hate exercise.) When I first got back to it I was doing it in 14 minutes. Yesterday I think I got it back down to 11. A big part of that walk, in fact, whenever I’m upright, is to focus on good posture. When one’s back hurts, it’s such a temptation to bend over.

2. I want to pick up where I left off on writing discussion questions to try to kick start currently non-existent sales of “Figs & Pomegranates & Special Cheeses.” I remember once reading the response of a best-selling author to the question, “What does it take to be a best seller.” His answer, “Be a best seller.” Obviously I’m not good at that, but I’m quite sure more time would help. The help of a friend in working up the questions keeps me thinking too. I just need to get the thoughts entered into my computer.

3. On that same note, I’ve got to get more involved with my web site. If I don’t do something more active with it, no one will ever find it interesting, or even find it.

4. I’ve read a few books while lying on my back since “the event.” Now I want to write reviews for amazon.

5. I had a fabulous two-week cruise shortly after I was allowed to remove my brace. The Shetland Islands, Iceland, and Norway were perfect for rehab. The trip over on the plane hurt. The trip home was a piece of cake. Time and walking helped a lot. I do have a few – not many – photos that might be interesting to share. One is a brief movie photo, because my new camera can do that. I call it the entrance to hell. The geothermal experience in Iceland was fascinating. The photo to which I refer is of a roiling, boiling hot, green pond smelling of hydrogen sulfide gas. (rotten eggs.) Unfortunately I can’t figure out how to include it as a moving picture. I’ll try a still photo and hope you can enhance it with your imagination.

Entrance to Hell

I’m also including a photo of me to show the layers of clothes necessary in the chilly, rather wet weather we encountered. They told us it was an unusually cold summer. But it didn’t spoil the fun.

Mona in raincoat

6. Speaking of re-hab, folks have asked me to write about my “crash” experience, and I want to do that. So many people were so helpful – delightful, even. And I can’t say enough about how helpful Medicare was.

7. I did manage to write a 5-page story to add to a local anthology. Actually – a rewrite of one I had on hand.

8. So many friends have offered to visit, or to meet me for coffee or lunch. I want to do that, but I’m hesitant to schedule a date,’cause some days aren’t as good as others in terms of energy.

9. One thing I did get back to in the past couple of days is writing “My Father’s House.” I’m doing the section on when he first arrives in America – specifically Forestville, Connecticut.

10. And I am seeing a limited number of clients.

11. Oh, I don’t want to forget the issue of clothes. The disc fracture cost me two inches of height, all in the torso, so my body is not only shorter, but shaped differently as well. Some clothes just need shortening, but beyond that I need a new wardrobe. Actually, that should be fun. My daughter is in town to stage manage a play, but we’re hoping to have time for a shopping trip. Am I blest or what that I can look forward to that?

12. So what else is new? I hope something more interesting for future blog entries.

Posted September 24, 2015 by Mona Gustafson Affinito in Uncategorized

10 responses to “WHERE DO I BEGIN?

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  1. Mona, I feel slightly overwhelmed by all that you think of doing. I hope there are no shoulds and musts in those alternatives – you surely are allowed to just do what you want to now, in the moment. Would you feel bad about yourself if you did not complete all of those plans?
    what is the most favorite among them – if there is one? I would like to know

  2. Mona, you sound pretty busy to me and a nice combination of things for you and others! This is good. Love the cute picture of you! Glad it was a fun trip.

  3. My goodness! A lot on your plate! And with all of that…how nice that you were able to take what sounds like a very much deserved and needed trip!

  4. Mona, I remember how thrilled I was that you began to follow my blog and now I am following you.
    You will simplify everything if you do all the things you need to do to make yourself physically better. Then, Ask your readership to provide you with questions. The reason I loved having you follow me is for your spiritual outlook an your philosophical approach to life. You still have that to give us, but I am sensing you are overwhelmed with how much you have to offer us. Let us lead. Let us ask you questions we need answered. Not like Dear Abby, or maybe yes a little, but in your spiritual realm and your attachment to the world we need to share.

    So, my Question in this comment is: What and who are we without our memories?

    So wonderful readers of Mona, let us flood her with questions to answer on her blog. We will give you the outline and you fill in our needed spaces with answers.
    God Bless you dear lady!!

    • Oh Sheila! What a very lovely and generous comment. As for questions, I especially need those I can use to encourage the reading and review of “figs & Pomegranates & Special Cheeses.” I think I’ll use a variation on your question for today’s blog entry.

  5. I’m sooo happy for you, Ma’am… 🙂 btw, I LOVE Iceland and Norway… ❤

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